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2020-10-05   Grantham Visual Arts Award 2019/20

We are glad to announce that our student Shanel Pau from 3H was selected as one of the winners of the Grantham Visual Arts Award 2019/20 (Junior Form Category) among various contestants.


Aiming to recognize the ability and achievements of young artists and enhance the impression of school art among the general public, the Grantham Visual Arts Awards are presented to 20 budding artists in Hong Kong every year.  Apart from writing a statement about their views of the significance of art creation, contestants are required to submit a list of Visual Arts awards received and art-related services conducted both inside and outside school. In addition, each of them have to submit images and descriptions of 6 to 8 pieces of their artwork using at least two different media.


Shanel used the iPad to create and present her artworks in different formats. She will receive a scholarship of HK$8,000, a certificate and a trophy. Her winning works, together with other selected artworks, will be featured at the Hong Kong City Hall during the Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival from December 22 to 29.


Congratulations to Shanel for her good work!


Click here for more photos.

2. 思念, Digital Print on Duratran, 20.5 x 18.1cm
3. 2020鼠出來了, E-card, Variable Dimensions
6. 集念·雜念, Inkjet on Canvas, 86.4 x 61cm