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2020-11-25   Open Classroom with Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

In collaboration with the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong, an open classroom was conducted at our College and Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College on 12 and 25 November respectively. The focus of the open classroom was the Medium of Instruction (MOI) in teaching and learning science in junior forms.


Educators from the University of Hong Kong and sixteen Integrated Science teachers from both schools observed an S1 Integrated Science lesson at our College, and an S2 Integrated Science lesson at Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, following which a post-lesson discussion was held. We were glad to see students of both schools actively engaged in the various learning activities in class, resulting in a positive and interactive learning atmosphere.


The activity provided good opportunities for sharing of professional experience and effective teaching strategies for helping students to learn Science using English as the medium of instruction. It was truly a rewarding experience for all. We look forward to more of such kind of professional collaboration in the near future.


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