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2021-11-12   S6 OLE Day

The S6 Other Learning Experience (OLE) Day was successfully held on November 12. A tour to Tai O was organised to enhance students’ understanding about Chinese and traditional local cultures.


On that day, students first visited the Ngong Ping Village and took a walk along Wisdom Path. After having a vegetarian lunch at Po Lin Monastery Temple, they headed to Tai O Fishing Village to learn about Hong Kong’s fishing heritage and attend a DIY workshop on making salted egg yolk. The last destinations of the tour were the Tai O mangrove forest and Fu Shan Trail.


It was a relaxing fun-filled day for all. The OLE day not only offered students a time to enjoy nature and being together, but also enabled them to get a good glimpse of another side of Hong Kong as a city with diverse natural resources and rich traditional culture.


Let’s look forward to our other exciting OLE days coming up!


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