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2023-04-24   Seminar on Cao Yu’s work Thunderstorm (雷雨) 24 Apr 2023

Seminar on Cao Yu’s work Thunderstorm(《雷雨》)

On April 24, we were very pleased to have invited Dr. Sabrina Yeung who is from the Department of Chinese, HSUHK, to give a seminar for our S5 students.


Through taking Cao Yu’s work Thunderstorm (《雷雨》)as an example, Dr. Yeung led students to review the plot of the story, analysed the dramatic structure and explained the concept of late point of attack. Then Dr. Yeung introduced two ways of creating characters in a drama, i.e., stage direction and dramatic action. Students were encouraged to discuss and critically evaluate the related characters in the drama Thunderstorm.


It was a great and valuable opportunity for the participating students to learn more about modern Chinese drama. Everyone was enlightened by Dr. Yeung’s clear illustration and progressive questions and actively engaged in thinking, discussing and sharing.


Click here for more photos.